In this notebook, we shall use a single-cell RNAseq data to estimate cell type proportions in spatial transcriptomics data.
Datasets needed for tutorial¶
The datasets used in this tutorial are available as part the DISSECT repository.
The spatial RNAseq data is taken from 10x Genomics and for this tutorial, due to size limitations of GitHub, we will use a sampled dataset that contains part of the count object. The complete data can be downloaded at this link.
The single-cell RNAseq data comes from Allen Brain Atlas and for this tutorial, we will use a sampled dataset. The complete count matrix can be downloaded at this link.
A note on the supported formats¶
(1) Spatial transcriptomics
A h5ad compatible with Scanpy >=1.8.0. The data should contain tissue images and spot coordinates as shown below:
import scanpy as sc
st_path = "data/spatial/V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Anterior_cortex.h5ad"
adata_vis =
/home/robinkti/miniconda/envs/dissect_env_1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/anndata/_core/ UserWarning: Variable names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.var_names_make_unique`. utils.warn_names_duplicates("var")
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 960 × 32285 obs: 'in_tissue', 'array_row', 'array_col' var: 'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome' uns: 'spatial' obsm: 'spatial'
Coordinates are stored in .obsm["spatial"] and images in .uns["spatial"]. We can check them as below.
av_samples = adata_vis.uns["spatial"].keys()
This indicates, we have one visium sample.
sample_name = 'V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Anterior'
images = adata_vis.uns["spatial"][sample_name]["images"]
images["lowres"].shape, images["hires"].shape # Image arrays
((600, 600, 3), (1998, 2000, 3))
# Coordinates
array([[7950, 3163], [6917, 5678], [9257, 4241], ..., [5610, 3642], [5885, 4361], [6780, 5199]])
(2) scRNAseq
A h5ad compatible with Scanpy >=1.8.0. Metadata included in .obs attribute as can be seen below:
import scanpy as sc
sc_path = "data/scRNAseq/mouseBrainAllenInstitute_sc_sampled.h5ad"
adata =
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1404 × 34617 obs: 'Celltype', 'n_counts'
From the metadata, we need names of cell type column and batch column (if any).
adata.X must contain raw counts. This can be checked by checking the maximum value which will be high integer value (>100).
Import DISSECT module¶
import dissect
DISSECT can be configured with a config file available from the following command.
config = dissect.config
{'experiment_folder': '/home/user/experiment', 'simulation_params': {'scdata': '/home/user/experiment/data.h5ad', 'n_samples': None, 'type': 'bulk', 'celltype_col': 'celltype', 'batch_col': None, 'cells_per_sample': None, 'downsample': None, 'preprocess': None, 'filter': {'min_genes': 200, 'min_cells': 3, 'mt_cutoff': 5, 'min_expr': 0}, 'concentration': None, 'prop_sparse': 0.5, 'generate_component_figures': True}, 'deconv_params': {'test_dataset': '../bulk.txt', 'test_dataset_format': 'txt', 'test_dataset_type': 'bulk', 'duplicated': 'first', 'normalize_simulated': 'cpm', 'normalize_test': 'cpm', 'var_cutoff': 0.1, 'test_in_mix': None, 'simulated': True, 'sig_matrix': False, 'mix': 'srm', 'save_config': True, 'network_params': {'n_hidden_layers': 4, 'hidden_units': [512, 256, 128, 64], 'hidden_activation': 'relu6', 'output_activation': 'softmax', 'loss': 'kldivergence', 'n_steps': 5000, 'lr': 1e-05, 'batch_size': 64, 'dropout': None, 'n_steps_expr': 5000}, 'alpha_range': [0.1, 0.9], 'normalization_per_batch': 'log1p-MinMax', 'models': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}}
Each hyperparameter is described with comments at
In application cases, we need to make following changes to this config dictionary: specify paths to our single cell and bulk data, as well as name of the cell type and batch columns. Since for this data, we have no batch column, we only need cell type column, which for the above scRNAseq object is "cell_type".
In case our bulk data already contains TPM counts, we can set config["normalize_test"] to None. By default (i.e. value=None), it performs CPM normalization
Below, we describe how to make these changes and run the algorithm.
Set experiment folder¶
In this config, experiment_folder specifies a non-existing experiment directory where the results would be stored
config["experiment_folder"] # this prints the current folder
# we will set it to "tutorial_bulkRNAseq"
config["experiment_folder"] = "tutorial_visium"
Do simulation¶
simulation_params contain hyperparameters for simulations
We can specify the path to our single-cell data, the data type, our cell type column name, and the number of samples to simulate
config["simulation_params"]["scdata"] = "data/scRNAseq/mouseBrainAllenInstitute_sc_sampled.h5ad"
config["simulation_params"]["type"] = "st" # for spatial data
config["simulation_params"]["celltype_col"] = "Celltype"
config["simulation_params"]["n_samples"] = 1000 # By default, we simulate n (= 1000 times number of cell types) samples. Since, the number of cell types in this data is large (=23), for this tutorial, we shall simulate 6000 samples
# by default the single-cell data passes through following QC:
{'min_genes': 200, 'min_cells': 3, 'mt_cutoff': 5, 'min_expr': 0}
simulate function from dissect can be used for simulation. It takes as input the above config.
(1) Simulated data
Saves the simulated data as h5ad object in the folder simulations/simulated.h5ad within the config["experiment_folder"].
(2) Plots
The function also prints and saves the following if config["generate_component_figures"] is set to True (default):
(1) boxplots showing the proportions of cell types in the simulated data,
(2) a scatter plot showing principal components of the simulated data colored by cell type proportions, and
(3) a scatter plot showing principal components of the cell type-specific gene expression profiles for each sample.
Number of batches in single-cell data is 1. If this is incorrect, please specify name of the batch column as in the single-cell data object (.obs)
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:02<00:00, 361.13it/s]
Other steps are identical between bulk and spatial deconvolution. For those, please check the tutorial: tutorial.ipynb.
Mapping cells to spots¶
Cells can be mapped to spots using the proportions as output by DISSECT and using them with methods such as CytoSPACE (Vahid et al., 2023).